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Center of Sport Activities at MENDELU

Indoor cycling

Indoor cycling

Focus: The goal is to develop and strengthen cardiovascular system, develop the ability to join movement with the music rhythm, to improve endurance, speed and power and physical fitness while taking into account health aspects, stressing the importance of regular exercising and regeneration, to form and encourage a positive attitude to sport and a healthy lifestyle.  Indoor cycling is a group lesson using the TOMAHAWK stationary bike under the guidance of qualified instructors, accompanied with music and in line with the TOMAHAWK I.C.E. tutorial.

Content: Learning about the functions of the stationary bike and possible risks, practicing the basic technique of stationary cycling and its improvement with various music paces, final stretching after each ride.

Indoor cycling lessons will take place in the spinning gym of the Sports Center premises, Jana Babáka 5, Brno. Bring solid gym shoes, sportswear, a towel and a water bottle.